This is a picture of Rochester last year during the winter... so lovely... |
Ok, Well, It's not looking quite like this yet, but we had our first snow fall the other day, and though it didn't stick to the ground, that didn't make it any less spectacular. I went for a long walk and was just way to happy to not mention this to you guys... Snow is so magical and something I never experienced until I was here in New York.. I mean, I'd been in snow before but not like this, not living in it and waking up to it. i LOVE it. So, I googled a few pics (click through if you wanna see where I got them from...) and slapped 'em on here because, well It's not looking quite like this here yet haha but soon! SO so so so soon and I'm so excited. Just bought waaaay too much Christmas music on iTunes and I'm getting ready mentally and beginning to get gifts and I'm just so friggin excited for the holidays. Really, they are one of my favorite times of year. Winter....Winter....WINTER. I love it .. I never loved it like I do now, I mean don't get me wrong Christmas in LA is still magical, the trees, the santas, the shopping. It's always fascinating. As we get closer to one of my favorite times of the year be prepared for lots of mindless excited banter about the holidays..

Anyway, to the point of this lil bloggaroo, I am excited to show another outfit from one of our newbies that I showed you guys a few posts ago, I'm going to Winter time dress it up for the West and East Coast readers... meaning a 30 degree outfit and a 65 degree outfit haha. Guess which is which.... -__- jeeze I'm a lil jealous of the short and t shirt weather. BUT WE HAVE SNOW, which I like. a lot.
For you fashionable West Coast boys... |
For the fashion forward FREEZING boys...
Which one do you guys like more? I want to hear from West and East Coast babes.. I like this shirt a lot because I feel like it adds a little color to the generally blegh weather, I feel like people stick to very dark colors (ehem, me!) and so I wanted to add some color, especially with the beanie which adds a lot and compliments the very bright yellow of the shirt, that has some spunk with the checkers...