This just made me laugh, and started my Friday off on a laughing note, which I feel like is always a good thing right? Getting me ready to laugh all day :)
but obviously today, not tomorrow. I found it yesterday and posted it today.. love it!
Anyway, on a fashion related note. It is so cold and rainy here, so I guess this is how October is swinging here in upstate NY. Sooo, I decided to do an outfit post related to that.
SO, you may have noticed that I have two pairs of shoes here... It's because though I feel like Hunters should always be the go to rainy day shoe (they're durable and oh so comfy), and though I personally love the way that they look on guys, some guys are not into the whole knee high boots, maybe too fashion forward? It's cool. Some guys like Hunters, some not so much. Here are some really rad looks of guys rocking the Hunters to put your mind at ease...
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These guys both KILL it!! Anyway, I included the Tim's for you manly men who wanna rock em' with style and finesse, both combat the rain and cold well enough. So there is my two cents for you guys on the boots... to the Rag Dynasty I don't know if you noticed that the plaid looks amazingggggg in the bottom photo with rainboots and I just love that look. I think there is something rugged but definitely fashionable about it. This is one of my favorite Rag D short sleeve plaids we have and paired with a warm cardigan and scarf it's good enough to brave the outdoors with then whip those babies off and you're stylin' indoors with a short sleeve..
Hope everyone has a fabulous weekend!!