Sunday, August 8, 2010

New Beats to Beat the Heat?

I'm trying to rhyme, don't judge me. ANYWAY, as the show approaches, (we leave in T-minus 6 days!!! eep!!) I've been doing the only thing I can think of to keep calm and focused. Listen to music. It really is just such an amazing thing, I take the idea of just popping in a CD (or turning on Pandora) and calming down for granted sometimes..

Anyway, I stumbled upon a kickass music blog the other day, LinkGigs, and they even gave us and our giveaway a shout out! Check their blog here and if you or anyone you know is an up and coming DJ in any area, make sure to submit an application with them! looks like they have a pretty neat set up going on there! I love looking through the blog and getting hot new music recommendations. Its nice when you're not sure what to listen to, or plop onto a Pandora playlist, gives a little push into the right direction!!

On another note, DON'T FORGET TO ENTER THE GIVEAWAY! only about a week or so left going on there, so you gotta enter ASAP, also, remember if you don't have a facebook, you can now comment on the previous post or this post, and you will be entered! the blog and FB are separate entries so you have 2 chances some people! so enter now, check out the online shop's site!!

Don't forget too, on the shop we are currently offering 20% off purchases!! and ALWAYS offering free shipping!! WAHOOOOO!

So, in conclusionnnnnn,  check the music out guys, and make sure listen to a few of the recommendations, some really grear music! Then enter the giveaway so you can listen to those HOT beats and rock some even HOTTER threads, After all, fashion and music go so hand in hand its a little ridiculous sometimes.


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